57th-63rd Anc. LIberation Ceremony
페이지 정보
작성일2002-07-23 Hit9,038관련링크
The 57th
to 63rd Ancestor Liberation Ceremony, Father’s and Mother’s Sides
The 57th
to 63rd Ancestor Liberation Ceremony on the father’s and mother’s
sides will be held starting from August 3rd, 2002.
The ancestor
liberation ceremony is the process of putting our blood lineage in order; that
is transforming it to a lineage of goodness. Dae Mo Nim
said, “Therefore, whose
lineage is yours after you complete your ancestor liberation ceremony? It will
become God’s lineage. After you finish your ancestor liberation ceremony, you
should not say, ‘I am from the Kim clan.’ You should say that you are from God’s lineage.
We are all from God’s lineage. I hope you realize that this is the kind of
ancestor liberation ceremony that can come about.”
Also, when we
are performing the ancestor liberation ceremony, you should remember that you
are doing it backwards. Dae Mo Nim said, “Dear members, I am thankful
to you all who came here. The reason why is that when you perform the ancestor
liberation ceremony, I see your ancestors crying. Therefore, who is the father
of the 42nd is the 43rd ancestor. We are conducting the ancestor
liberation ceremony backwards. We should liberate the father first and then the
son. But because True Parents love us, we are doing the liberation starting
from the parents of us and then the grandparents of us. (Our parents become the
1st ancestor and our grandparents become the 2nd ancestor
and so on.) However, the ancestor liberation ceremony should have been performed
starting with Adam and Eve becoming the 1st ancestor and then doing
the 2nd and 3rd .
You should not
forget how grateful you should be for the ancestor liberation ceremony. After
performing the ancestor liberation ceremony many miracles have occurred. Dae Mo
Nim said, “In the history of Cheongpyeong, you don’t know how grateful you should be for doing
the ancestor liberation ceremony. Among your ancestors, there are some who
killed people. These people that were killed have a lot of han. That
kind of act is being put in order as well as acts such as stealing, illicit
sexual acts and acts of hot temper. Through the ancestor liberation ceremony,
these histories are being straightened out.
Please come as
soon as possible and experience the work of the Cheon Il Guk age directly for yourselves.
Do not forget to make proper conditions before coming to the ancestor liberation
ceremony. You should do 50 bows for 21 days or morning fast for 21 days
before doing your ancestor liberation ceremony. Also, it is advisable to
register for the ancestor liberation ceremony early. Then, it is possible to
find the ancestor early and put them on stand by before they are liberated.
The 57th
to 63rd generation ancestor liberation ceremony will be held
until December, 2002.