<b>May Workshop Schedule > Notice

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<b>May Workshop Schedule

페이지 정보

작성일2004-03-28 Hit10,142



The workshop schedule for April 2004 is as shown below. Liberation of ancestors from generations 85~91 began on April 3, 2004 and blessing of generations 78~84 began on April 17, 2004.

Members living in Korea or Japan may liberate generations 84~91 during any of the liberation ceremonies held during the next five months (through August 2004). Members living in all other countries may liberate up to the current group of ancestors at any of the 2-day workshops held throughout the year. Those who have already liberated up to the 84th generation and blessed up to the 77th generation, please make effort to liberate generations 85~91 and to bless generations 78~84 as early as possible.

Members living in Korea or Japan can now liberate one set of seven generations at any Ancestors Liberation ceremony held throughout the year (starting from the 613th 2-day workshop held on November 5, 2003). Those among these members who have not liberated up to the current generations can liberate the missing groups during the “Additional” Ancestors Liberation Ceremony held May 8~9, 2004. (These “additional” ceremonies are held on the same weekend as the Registration Blessing.)

*May Workshop Schedule*


2004.04.24 ~ 06.02 (With 6500 and 1275 Couples wives)


2004.04.17 ~ 05.07


2004.05.01 ~ 05.08


648th: 05.01 (Sat) ~ 02 (Sun)

649th: 05.05 (Wed) ~ 06 (Thurs) [Weekday workshop]

650th: 05.08 (Sat) ~ 09 (Sun) [“Additional” Ancestors Liberation]

651st: 05.15 (Sat) ~ 16 (Sun) [Ancestors Blessing (1~84)]

652nd: 05.19 (Wed) ~ 20 (Thurs) [Weekday workshop]

653rd: 05.22 (Sat) ~ 23 (Sun)

654th: 05.29 (Sat) ~ 30 (Sun)


05.07 (Fri) ~ 09 (Sun) [Registration Blessing]

(2-day workshop numbering corrected on 2004.04.03)

Please send a fax or email to make a reservation if you plan to attend the 2-day workshop so that Dae Mo Nim can find your ancestors in advance.

*If you plan to liberate ancestors during a 2-day workshop when an ancestors blessing will be held, you must register by 6 PM on Saturday in order to participate in the ancestors liberation ceremony. Please remember that there is also a workshop fee of 2,000 won for infants (effective as of April 2003).

Please contact us for further inquiries.

Telephone: 82-31-7191/7134 Fax: 82-31-584-4336

Email: cpwe_office@cheongshim.com