<b>Special Works Event > Notice

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<b>Special Works Event

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작성일2004-04-19 Hit19,857


Special Works for Inheriting Heavenly Fortune and Fulfilling Wishes

“Additional” Ancestors Liberation Ceremony Information

(Additional Information Regarding the Special Works for Inheriting Heavenly Fortune and Fulfilling Wishes)

As previously informed, the Special Works for Inheriting Heavenly Fortune and Fulfilling Wishes will take place at Cheongpyeong from 7:00 p.m. on JuneA2nd to the 6th. The event ending time has been changed to 00:20 (just after midnight) on the 7th. Heung Jin Nim/Dae Mo Nim will also grant us the additional grace of writing of The Inheritance Heavenly Fortune and the Fulfillment of Wishes Papers.” All members, including those who live in Korea or Japan, can also liberate up to the 91st generation of ancestors during the “Additional” Ancestors Liberation Ceremony that will be held on June 5th to the 6th. We would like to convey the following information, with revisions included, for your preparation and reference.

 *"Additional" Ancestors Liberation Ceremony

An “Additional” Ancestors Liberation Ceremony will be held during the 2-day weekend workshop on June 5th ~ 6th. All members can liberate ancestors from generations 1~91 during this ceremony.

*Additional Information Regarding the Special Works for Inheriting Heavenly Fortune and Fulfilling Wishes

1. Time Period: June 2 (Wed, 7 p.m.) ~ 7 (Mon, 00:20), 2004

- As a general rule, participation extends from June 2nd to 00:20 on the 7th.

(However, those who cannot attend from the 2nd are recommended to participate as soon as possible.)

 - You are strongly recommended to stay until the end of the workshop because the Fulfillment of Wishes Papers Burning Ceremony will be held during the "Night of Blessings" program (9:30 p.m. on June 6th to 00:20 in the morning of the 7th).

2. Contents of the Grace

-         The True Children in the Spirit World and the Five Great Saints will work directly with us.

-         Angels and over 120 billion absolute good spirits will be mobilized and will work during this event.

-        The contents of the absolute good spirits’ unprincipled lives on earth will be erased. (See 5-1 below)

-         You will have the opportunity to see the appearance of the absolute good spirits and the spirits who have not been liberated.

-         You will have the opportunity to receive the grace of release from suffering and curing of diseases.

-         You will have the opportunity to receive fortune for witnessing and for tribal restoration.

-         You will have the opportunity to receive the grace of separating evil and resentful spirits from your body. (Only for workshop participants.)


3. Materials to Prepare: Workshop fee, donation of gratitude for the Fulfillment of Wishes Paper(s), White t-shirts, comfortable clothing, Divine Principle, Earthly Life and the Spirit World I, Father’s Prayers (Vol. 6), toiletries, shoe bag, personal medication, etc.


4. Workshop Fee:



Workshop Participation Fee (6.2~4)

Workshop Participation Fee (6.5~6)


Middle School age and above

15,000 won (per day)

25,000 won


Elementary School

9,000 won (per day)

15,000 won


2~5 years

6,500 won (per day)

2,000 won


1 year

4,000 won (per day)

 Example: Workshop fee for a person of middle school age or above to participate from June 2~6:

The fee for June 2~4 is 15,000 won per day and for June 5~6 is 25,000 won, for a total of 70,000 won:

--> 15,000 won x 3 (2nd, 3rd, 4th) + 25,000 (5th~6th) = 70,000 won.

5. Guidance on Offering the “Fulfillment of Wishes Papers”

1. There are two types of grace of the Fulfillment of Wishes Papers.

Fulfilling Wishes Paper


Grace of erasure of the contents of the absolute good spirits’ previous unprincipled lives.

*The conditions for the above are as follows:

1) Members who register between June 2nd and June 4th (by 7 p.m.)

(You can receive more grace if you participate from the 2nd.)

2) Conditions for absolute good spirits to receive this grace:

-    Up to generations 1~70 of ancestors on the participant’s father’s and mother’s sides. (This only applies to the ancestors of members who participated in the Ancestors Blessing Ceremony by August 17, 2003.)

-    Collateral relatives liberated by the participant, as well as spirits that have been separated from the participant's body during the Holy Song sessions, who were blessed to become absolute good spirits by August 17, 2003


Grace for general content (Health, Family Problems, etc.)

*Anyone can fill out the Fulfillment of Wishes Paper for general content (health, family problems, etc.) at any time from June 3rd to June 6th.

*If your write the contents of your wish, centering on health problems, Heung Jin Nim and Dae Mo Nim will pray and offer conditions to fulfill them.

2. You can fill out as many Fulfillment of Wishes Papers as you want in order to resolve your problems, and the conditions for grace will increase according to the amount written.

3. The Fulfillment of Wishes Papers and the donations of gratitude can be offered together at Jeong Shim Won at any time during the Special Works event (from June 2nd to June 6th).

4. The donation of gratitude for each Fulfillment of Wishes Paper is set according to Nation Groups:

-         Group 1: 50 USD

-         Group 2: 40 USD

-         Group 3: 30 USD

-         Group 4: 20 USD

-         Group 5: 10 USD

(Please note that personal checks are accepted but require an additional 8 USD bank-processing fee.)

5. Purpose behind the donation of gratitude for the Fulfillment of Wishes Papers

-         It sets a condition to inherit heavenly fortune during this time period.

-         It adds to and completes the amount of devotion we have offered.

-         It sets a condition to resolve the various difficulties families face.

6. Dae Mo Nim explained that the erasure of the absolute good spirits’ previous unprincipled lives is possible because they successfully (100%) fulfilled their special witnessing goal and have fully exercised their power to heal and perform miracles and signs throughout the special tour of the 16 regions in Japan. Members who fill out this Fulfillment of Wishes Paper are strongly recommended to make proper conditions, including bows, prayers of repentance, breakfast fasting, etc.

7. Please refer to the notice regarding Fulfillment of Wishes Papers Question and Answer if you have any further questions. (MORE)

6. Schedule for the Special Works Event

Hoon Dok Hae, Holy Song sessions (three times daily), Dae Mo Nim’s speech (two times), Special lectures (seven times), self-reflection time (every day from after the afternoon Holy Song session until the evening mealtime), participation in the 2-day workshop

Night of Blessings (June 6th, from 9:30 p.m. to 00:20 in the morning of the 7th: commemorative service/ entertainment/ Tongil Candle Multiplication Ceremony/ Fulfillment of Wishes Papers Burning Ceremony)

 *If planning to participate in this event, please and e-mail with your name, blessing group, nation, and telephone number to cpwe_office@cheongshim.com.

For further inquiries:

(Tel: 82-31-589-7134, 7188 (English), 7131 (Chinese)

Fax: 82-31-584-4336; E-mail: cpwe_office@cheongshim.com