<b>40-Day workshop for Spanish members</b> > Notice

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<b>40-Day workshop for Spanish members</b>

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작성일2006-03-16 Hit14,701


Family Federation for World Peace and Unification

2006 Cheongpyeong 40-Day Workshop for Spanish Speaking Members

The Cheongpyeong 40-day workshops, ongoing since initiated in 1996 according to the words of our Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Mankind, have now reached the 104th workshop. Through the 104 workshops held in the midst of God and True Parents? and Heung Jin Nim and Dae Mo Nims' love, many members have experienced tremendous fulfillment of wishes including the healing of diseases, revival of the spirit, and financial restoration.


The 40-day workshop for Spanish speaking members will be held with the 104th 40-day workshop, and Absolute Good Spirits and many angels will be performing special works to give grace to participating members.


Time Period: April 8 (Sat)May 17 (Wed), 2006

*Members who want to attend the 104th Cheongpyeong 40-day Special Workshop for Blessed Wives can come during this same time period.

Participants: Spanish speaking members

Special Grace

1)      Translation services, and time and space specially prepared for Spanish speaking members will be provided.

2)      You can participate in the "Purification Azalea Festival for the Inheritance of Heavenly Fortune,?in which 280 billion Absolute Good Spirits and  many angels will perform special works.

3)      Removing of the strong and han-filled [resentment-filled] spirits that make our lives difficult by causing disease, family problems, etc.

4)      There will be the grace of the Fulfillment of Wishes Paper, and you can participate in the Prayer-Wish Purification Ceremony for Restoration, for the Inheritance of Heavenly Fortune.

Workshop Fee: 600,000 won (approximately $632US: Changes according to the day's exchange rate)

♦  Hoondok Materials: 3-colored Exposition of the Divine Principle, Blessed Family and Ideal Kingdom (Vol. 1), Earthly Life and Spirit World (Vol. 1 and 2),

Things to Prepare: Toiletries, white t-shirts (three or more), thin pants for holy song sessions, comfortable shoes, personal medication, umbrella and raingear, one photo (3x4 cm), dress clothes, holy robes and blessing ring (for those who will participate in the Ancestor Blessing Ceremony), medical insurance certificate (for those who will use the services of Cheongshim Hospital), FM radio.

Ancestor Liberation / Blessing and Fulfillment of Wishes Papers for 40-day workshop participants

1)  Members who want to liberate or bless their ancestors during this 40-day workshop period will need to prepare Ancestor Liberation donation or Ancestor Blessing donation separately.

2)  Members who would like to write Fulfillment of Wishes Papers will need to prepare the donation of gratitude for the Fulfillment of Wishes Paper separately.


Type / Nation Group

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Group 5













*Those who do not know their Nation Group, Please check download this file---- Group Donation. (Spain's Group will be Group 1)

Points to Consider:

1)      Members must register for the 40-day workshop within 15 days from the workshop starting date. However, pregnant sisters and members with personal circumstances may consult with the International Office (+82-31-589-7188).

2)      Pregnant sisters are encouraged to attend during the 5th and 6th months of pregnancy for safety purposes. (There is concern that coming too early or too late may be harmful to the unborn baby and may increase the chance of an early delivery.)

3)      As of the 71st workshop, 40-day workshop participants who register for the Ancestor Liberation / Blessing Ceremonies are also required to pay the 2-day workshop registration fee. Ancestor Liberation registration fee is 25,000 won per group of seven generations you liberate. Ancestor Blessing registration fee is 25,000 won regardless of the number of generations you bless.

4)      Parents may not bring young children with them to attend the 40-day workshop, but if the child is in the 5th grade or above, he/she may attend if they first consult with the International Office (Contact Details below).

5)      Please prepare thin pants that will not release dust during the holy song sessions.

6)      Members with psychological (spiritual) abnormalities must first consult with Mr. Dong-bae Kim (+82-31-589-7188). If permission is granted, he/she may only register if accompanied by a caretaker. (Please keep in mind that if permission is not granted or if a caretaker does not come, these members may be asked to return home.)

7)      Members coming to Korea from abroad must be sure to purchase travelers insurance and must get a C3 visa, or secure their visa situations as otherwise applicable, before coming to the workshop. The training center cannot acquire or extend visas for you. If your visa expires, the immigration office will charge you a penalty of $100US and put you on a black list.


Further Inquiries

Telephone: +82-31-589-7187, 7188, 7134 (English / Korean), 7131 (Chinese / Korean)

Fax: +82-31-584-4336

Email: cpintl_office@yahoo.com