<b>40-Day 2nd Generation Workshop > Notice

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<b>40-Day 2nd Generation Workshop

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작성일2005-05-07 Hit14,371


Cheongpyeong 40-Day Workshop for Second Generation

Cheongpyeong 40-Day Workshop for Second Generation

   True Father emphasized the following in regards to the importance of Cheongpyeong 40-day workshops for second generation. “So far, the Unification Church with its physical foundation has been cleansing the fallen world. Thus there needs to be a movement to connect this physical foundation with a spiritual foundation. However, this movement does not come about through human power. You have to understand that this movement is a worldwide movement centered on Cheongpyeong. Everything that has been dirtied through Satan’s blood lineage has to be cleansed here. The standard of being able to receive assistance from the angelic world has to be linked to the second generation first…Therefore, every second generation person without exception has to come to Cheongpyeong and have spiritual experiences through a 40-day workshop. If you cannot have spiritual experiences and cannot know yourself better even after a 40-day workshop, you had better put off school or work until later and undergo at least 120 days of training. Furthermore, you have to understand that you cannot receive the Blessing unless you participate in a Cheongpyeong workshop.” (February 2, 1998, True Parents’ Birthday Pledge Service, Hannam-dong Residence)

  The workshop schedule has been arranged to enable international second generation (all second generation living outside of Korea and Japan) to attend the Cheongpyeong 40-day workshop during the summer holidays. The schedule is as below. Please make this known so many second generation can participate together this summer.


  95th: June 18 - July 27, 2005 (Participate with trainees in general workshop)

  96th: July 16 - August 24, 2005 (Participate with second generation)

Hoon Dok Materials: 3-colored Exposition of the Divine Principle, Blessed Family and Ideal Kingdom (vol. 1), Earthly Life and Spirit World (vol. 1 and 2), Father’s Prayers, holy song book

Materials to Prepare: Toiletries, white t-shirts (three or more), thin pants for holy song sessions, comfortable shoes, personal medication, umbrella and raingear, one photo (3x4 cm), a set of dress clothes, holy robes and blessing ring (for those who will participate in the ancestor blessing ceremony), FM radio, etc.

Workshop Fee: 600,000 won (approximately 632 USD, subject to fluctuation in exchange rate)

Points to Consider:

1) Please register at the International Office by 5 PM on Saturday, the starting day of the workshop.

2) Members must register for the 40-day workshop within 15 days from the workshop starting date. However, members with personal circumstances may consult with the International Office (82-31-589-7188).

3) Pregnant sisters are encouraged to attend during the 5th to 6th months of pregnancy for safety purposes. (There is concern that coming too early or too late may be harmful to the unborn baby and may increase the chance of an early delivery.)

4) Parents may not bring young children with them to attend the 40-day workshop. Parents who would like to bring children in 5th grade or above may do so if they first consult with the International Office.

5) Please prepare thin pants that will not release dust during the holy song sessions.

6) International second generation (second generation living outside of Korean and Japan) ages 16 and above can participate in the liberation ceremony and blessing ceremony for their parents’ ancestors (father’s side and mother’s side ancestors only).

7) As of the 71st workshop, 40-day workshop participants who register for the ancestor liberation ceremony are also required to pay the 2-day workshop registration fee of 25,000 won per group of seven generations. (However, the registration fee for the ancestor blessing ceremony is 25,000 won regardless of the number of generations.)

8) Members with psychological (spiritual) abnormalities must first consult with Mr. Dong-bae Kim (82-31-589-7188). (Please keep in mind that if permission is not granted, these members may be asked to return home.)

9) Members coming to Korea from abroad must be sure to purchase travelers insurance and must get a C3 visa, or secure their visa situations as otherwise applicable, before coming to the workshop. The training center cannot acquire or extend visas for you. If your visa expires, the immigration office will charge you a penalty of 100 USD and put you on a black list.

10) Please do not bring personal music (tapes, CDs, MP3s, etc.) to listen to during the workshop time period.

Please contact us for further inquiries.

Telephone: 82-31-589-7188, 7134 (English, Korean), 7131 (Chinese)

Fax: 82-31-584-4336   Email: cpwe_office@cheongshim.com