276 |
38th & 119th Cheongpyeong 40-Day Workshop
2007-09-29 |
17197 |
275 |
October Schedule
2007-08-19 |
18371 |
274 |
37th & 118th Cheongpyeong 40-Day Workshop
2007-08-05 |
17225 |
273 |
September Schedule
2007-08-05 |
29685 |
272 |
Special Workshop of Removing Evil Spirits for 2nd and 3rd Generations
2007-07-23 |
11035 |
271 |
Placement of 320 billion Absolute Good Spirits to the descendants
2007-07-20 |
13856 |
270 |
38th Transition of Three Ages Four Position Foundation Registration Unification Blessing Ceremony
2007-07-19 |
11071 |
269 |
38th 21-day Registration Workshop for Blessed Wives
2007-07-19 |
10781 |
268 |
August Schedule
2007-07-19 |
18058 |
267 |
36 & 117th Cheongpyeong 40-Day Workshop
2007-06-13 |
18334 |
266 |
July Schedule
2007-06-11 |
18740 |
265 |
Recruiting Testimonies
2007-05-23 |
10897 |
264 |
June Schedule
2007-05-18 |
19493 |
263 |
Starting Family Life as a Spiritual and Physical World Blessed Family
2007-05-18 |
11364 |
262 |
35 &115th Cheongpyeong 40-Day Workshop
2007-05-18 |
18993 |