Branch Training Centers of the HJ Heaven and Earth CheonBo Training Center and True Parents’ Instructions on the Completion of Ancestor Blessing of 430 Generations > Notice

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Branch Training Centers of the HJ Heaven and Earth CheonBo Training Center and True Parents’ Instructions on the Completion of Ancestor Blessing of 430 Generations

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작성일2018-11-03 Hit15,559


Branch Training Centers of the Cheongpyeong Heaven and Earth Training Center and True Parents’ Instructions on the Completion of Ancestor Blessing of 430 Generations
May the blessings of Heavenly Parent and True Parents be with you.
True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind declared at the closing ceremony of the ‘3-day Hyojeong CheonBo Special Workshop hosted by the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind for Cheon Il Guk Leaders’ on July 20, by the heavenly calendar in the 6th year of Cheon Il Guk (August 30, 2018, by the solar calendar) that, “We have less than two years to complete Vision 2020, which we promised in front of Heaven, so we have to push ourselves to take responsibility as Heavenly Tribal Messiahs.” True Parents said to all members, “We have given you amazing grace so that you can become the ancestors of humankind who can be registered in the Cheon Bo Won, by becoming central figures who are participating in the completion of this great providence.”
On the victorious foundation of the 6th Anniversary of the True Father’s Seonghwa, right before the beginning of the 7th Year of Cheon Il Guk (the number 7 being the number of completion), True Parents bestowed great grace and blessing through the Cheon Bo Won providence, and opened more widely the path to complete ancestor liberation and Blessing of 430 generations (vertically) and the Heavenly Tribal Messiah mission of blessing 430 couples (horizontally).
On September 20, 2018, at Cheon Jeong Gung, True Parents said, “All members of the Unification family of the world have to be registered in the Cheon Bo Won through the completion of ancestor liberation and blessing of 430 generations by Foundation Day in 2020.”
Therefore, we hope all members of the Unification family could join in Heaven’s great grace and blessings by becoming one with the providence led by the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. Please follow the procedures for ancestor liberation and Blessing that will be modified beginning from December 2018. Please refer to the following outline:
The True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind gave instructions about establishing branches of the HJ Heaven and Earth CheonBo Training Center in each region for the victory of the responsibility as Heavenly Tribal Messiah by the Year 2020, and said, “Establish branch training centers of the HJ Heaven and Earth CheonBo Training center in Heavenly Africa, Heavenly Europe, Heavenly Central and South America and Asia region.” (August 30, 2018, True Parents’ directions given at Cheon Jeong Gung)
We are conveying the decisions regarding the changed procedures for the completion of the ancestor Blessing until 430 generations by Foundation Day in 2020 and the providence of the Cheongpyeong Heaven and Earth Training Center branches, as follows:

1. The completion of ancestor blessing of 430 generations vertically until Year 2020 Foundation Day

For the completion of the ancestor liberation and Blessing of 430 generations by the Foundation Day in 2020 (February 6, 2020, by the solar calendar), the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind bestowed the great grace of accelerating the current method of liberating and blessing each set of seven generations ancestors. (September 20, 2018, at Cheon Jeong Gung).
The True Parents of Heaven Earth and Humankind bestowed the grace that the blessed families can complete the ancestor liberation and Blessing of 430 generations, receive the support from their ancestors who became absolute good spirits, and receive heavenly fortune for the restoration of the spirit world and earthly world and the restoration of the realm of Heavenly Parents’ absolute good lineage centering on the blessed families. All blessed family members in the spirit world and on earth can go together gathering strength to bring victory for Vision 2020.
We would like to announce the following to all leaders in public positions and all other members:

A. Ancestor liberation and blessing from 1-210 generations
1) Please follow the current method.

B. Ancestor liberation from 211 and until 430 generations
1) The ancestor liberation until 329 generations currently ongoing will be continued accordingly for the five-month period from July to November 2018.
2) From December 2018, the liberation of a new set of generations will start from 330 generations for five months until April 2019. Up to now we have been liberating one set (seven generations) at a time but during this time we will expand to seven sets of 7 generations (49 generations in this period, that is, generations 330 to 378). The liberation of all earlier generations that were not yet liberated will also be possible, from 1-378 generations.
3) 3) From May 2019 until September 2019, for five months, another seven sets of ancestors (49 generations) will be liberated, that is, generations 379 to 427. In addition, three extra generations will be added so that all members can complete liberation until 430 generations (a total liberation of 52 generations during this period).
4) To be able to participate in the ancestor Blessing ceremony for 430 generations held during the period of the Special Great Works commemorating Foundation Day (February 6, 2020, by the solar calendar), the liberated spirits must have already finished their 100-day workshop in the spirit world. Therefore, liberation of all ancestors until 430 generations needs to be achieved through the Hyojeong CheonBo Special 2-day Workshop no later than October 25, 2019.
5) Until now, when members applied for ancestor Blessing from 211 generations and onward, the next set (7 generations) of ancestors were liberated automatically. However, from December 2018 members can apply for ancestor liberation until the latest generation. However, members still need to offer the donation for the liberation of ancestors until the 210th generation. Members do not need to offer any donation for ancestor liberation from 211-430 generations. (This is only on the condition that members have completed all payments until 210 generations.)
6) For those members who have been continuing with liberation and Blessing from 211 generations, from December 2018 when members apply for the ancestor Blessing, the liberation of ancestors will automatically be applied until the latest generation at the time. (From the 211th generation, when members apply for ancestor Blessing, they do not need to offer any extra workshop fees or donations for ongoing liberation.) For members who live in Korea and Japan, when they attend a 2-day workshop when there is no ancestor Blessing ceremony, members can apply for liberation up to the generations currently being liberated. Payment of liberation donations and additional workshop fee are not required.

C. Ancestor blessing from 211 to 430 generations
1) From July until November 2018, ancestor Blessing until 322 generations will be held accordingly and there are no changes to the current situation.
2) From December 2018, the Blessing for ancestors up to 329 generations will be held for five months, and from May 2019 the first seven sets (49 generations) will be ready to be blessed and members can complete the Blessing of 1-378 generations.
3) From October 2019, the ancestor Blessing from 379-430 generations will be conducted. Members must complete the ancestor Blessing up to 430 generations by Foundation Day in 2020 (February 6, 2020, by the solar calendar). The ancestor Blessing ceremony for the month of February 2020 will be held during the period of the Special Great Works commemorating Foundation Day.
4) The workshop fee and Blessing fee for each set of seven generations of ancestors is the same as the current rate for your country and needs to be paid accordingly from 211-430 generations.
5) Regarding the ancestor Blessing for the generations from the 211th generation, members can bless ancestors according to their wish within the generations that have been liberated up to that point.
6) The ancestor Blessing ceremony is being conducted once a month; however, when necessary, it will be held twice a month.

D. Ancestor liberation and ancestor blessing after Year 2020 Foundation Day
1) The grace of ancestor liberation and Blessing until 430 generations by Foundation Day in 2020 is the special grace and blessing of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind opening the path to Heavenly Tribal Messiah victory of blessing (vertically) 430 generations and (horizontally) 430 couples. Therefore, all blessed families should complete this liberation and Blessing of ancestors until 430 generations during this given time period. After the ancestor Blessing ceremony up to 430 generations held during the period of the Special Great Works commemorating Foundation Day (February 6, 2020, by the solar calendar), the process of liberating and blessing ancestors from 211 generations will revert to the normal process of liberation and blessing of one set (seven generations) at a time.
2) Ancestor Liberation and Blessing Schedule
Period Ancestor Blessing Ancestor Liberation
July ~ November 2018 1~322 Generations 1~329 Generations
December 2018~ April 2019 1~329 Generations 1~378 Generations
May ~ September 2019 1~378 Generations 1~430 Generations
October 2019~ 1~430 Generations 1~430 Generations

2. Branch providence of the Cheongpyeong Heaven and Earth Training Center

A. True Parents’ directions
1) True Father’s words
The HJ Heaven and Earth CheonBo Training Center must make training centers like that of Korea in each continent. The HJ Heaven and Earth CheonBo Training Center must make branches by touring the six continents once every two months. It’s because expenses go up a lot if you bring (everyone) to one place. It will cost a lot to go to Cheongpyeong, so there is no need for this. If the Cheongpyeong Training Center makes branches at the six continents and if thousands of people can do the workshop all together, then you can reduce expenses, you can even mobilize the people in Africa by mobilizing the spirit world through the works of the Holy Spirit. A balanced spiritual education facility will emerge by making something like the Heaven and Earth CheonBo training center on each of the six continents and by making what you have established for the six continents, in each nation (Sermons of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, Volume 294, Page 197, June 14, 1998).
2) True Mother’s directions
“This is a direction regarding the branch training centers of the HJ Heaven and Earth CheonBo Training Center. True Mother gave the directions to the HJ Heaven and Earth CheonBo Training Center for the establishment of the branch training centers in each region for the victory of the mission of Heavenly Tribal Messiah. True Mother said that regarding the establishment of the branch training centers in the seven regions, there would be no branch training center in Heavenly Korea, Heavenly Japan or Heavenly America, but for these regions the education such as ancestor liberation and blessing etc., will be carried out centering on the HJ Heaven and Earth CheonBo Training Center in the Hyojeong Cheonwon (Hyojeong Heavenly Garden). In Heavenly Africa, Heavenly Europe, and Heavenly Central and South America and Asia region, branch training centers will be established. Regarding the sites where the branch training centers may be established, for Heavenly Africa it will be in Zambia, for Heavenly Central and South America at the Jardim training center, and for Asia in Pak Chong Training Center. The branch training centers will be operated under the direction of HJ Heaven and Earth CheonBo Training Center. In addition, True Mother bestowed the words of blessing, that the HJ Heaven and Earth CheonBo Training Center is a directly affiliated organization of True Parents at the Cheon Jeong Gung Headquarters.” (True Mother’s speech at the Hyojeong Special Gathering for Cheon Il Guk Leaders, August 30, 2018, at Cheon Jeong Gung).

B. Purpose of the Branch Providence
1) Extension of the works of True Parents’ direct dominion on the world level
According to the conditions of the providential development of “creation of witnessing environments,” spoken by True Parents, the various works of the HJ Heaven and Earth CheonBo Training Center such as Chanyang Yeoksa, removal of evil spirits, the grace of the Jeongshimwon etc., will not be limited only to the HJ Heaven and Earth CheonBo Training Center. If there is a place acknowledged and designated by True Parents, then a branch training center will be built. The same works carried out by the HJ Heaven and Earth CheonBo Training Center in Korea can take place there.
2) Localization of the grace of HJ Heaven and Earth CheonBo
Through the CheonWib international tours, carried out by HJ Heaven and Earth CheonBo training staff, the grace of CheonBo and the same works (Chanyang Yeoksa sessions, ancestor liberation and Blessing, Spirit World and Physical World Workshop and Blessing, and Hyojeong Offering Ceremony for the Inheritance of Heavenly Fortune) can be held locally, therefore it is possible to establish branch training centers throughout the world.
3) Overcoming the local limitations
Since there is a time and physical limitation in conveying grace evenly to the members throughout the world through the CheonBo Training world tour team, the grace of CheonBo Training can be conveyed all times through the establishment of local branch training centers. It is financially difficult for members from Africa, Central and South America, Middle and Southeast Asia and the third world countries etc. to come to Korea, therefore the HJ Heaven and Earth CheonBo Training Center will establish local branch training centers that will resolve problems such as transportation expenses etc.
Through the establishment of the branch training centers, members can avoid problems such as travelling time from their nations to the CheonWon holy ground and the sojourn period. Also members can have the opportunity of completing their responsibilities and achievements thoroughly by establishing the branch training centers at the local level where many members are located.
4) To actively utilize as catalysts for the completion of the mission of Heavenly Tribal Messiahs
The establishment of the branch training centers can actively encourage members in fulfilling the providential goal for ‘the victory of Vision 2020’ led by the True Parents and fulfilling the responsibility of “the completion of the ancestor blessing of 430 generations for 8 lines of each couple and the formation of 430 blessed families of the realm of three generations of one’s spiritual tribe” for the fulfillment of the mission of Heavenly Tribal Messiah.

C. Proposed site for the branch
1) Heavenly Africa: Zambia
2) Heavenly Europe: Camberg in Germany
3) Heavenly Central and South America: Jardin Training Center in Brazil
4) Asia: Pak Chong Training Center in Thailand

D. Organizing branches
1) The HJ Heaven and Earth CheonBo Training Center (the main training center) will appoint a president for each branch training center.
2) The appointed presidents belong to the HJ Heaven and Earth CheonBo Training Center.
3) To operate the branch training center, the branch president will appoint a lecturer, local workshop instructor, administrator, accountant and Chanyang leader as well.

E. Workshop programs and schedules in each branch training center
1) Each branch training center will carry out all the programs of the main training center as it is such as Chanyang Yeoksa, ancestor liberation and blessing, Spirit World and Physical World Workshop and Blessing and Blessing for Unmarried 1st Generation and 2nd Generation Spirits, etc.
2) Each branch training center will carry out a CheonBo Great Works locally twice a year.
3) Each branch training center will hold workshops by making a yearly plan, considering the situation of each continent.
4) Each branch training center will plan for a  HJ Heaven and Earth CheonBo Training tour every month, for the respective nations under each continent.

3. Further inquires

A. Telephone: +82-31-589-7137 / 7053
B. Fax: +82-31-584-4336