696 |
200th & 108th Cheongpyeong 40-day Workshop
2015-11-20 |
10728 |
695 |
January Schedule
2015-11-16 |
16645 |
694 |
Q&A regarding Cheongpyeong Works
2015-11-09 |
11055 |
693 |
December Schedule
2015-11-05 |
16685 |
692 |
A special festival to share
2015-10-22 |
9917 |
691 |
The Official Stance of Cheongpyeong Heaven and Earth Training Center Regarding All Maliciously Intended Rumors Related to Cheongpyeong Works
2015-10-22 |
11227 |
690 |
2016 Admission Guidelines
2015-10-19 |
10376 |
689 |
2015 Autumn Cheongpyeong Special Great Works!
2015-10-14 |
10204 |
688 |
2015 Autumn Cheongpyeong Special Great Works
2015-10-04 |
10163 |
687 |
November Schedule
2015-10-02 |
10190 |
686 |
199th & 107th 40-day Workshop
2015-10-02 |
10000 |
685 |
198th & 106th 40-day Workshop
2015-09-05 |
10690 |
684 |
October Schedule
2015-09-05 |
15995 |
683 |
[Urgent Announcement!] Temporarily stopping the services of the Website
2015-08-22 |
9522 |
682 |
2015 Summer Cheongpyeong Special Great Works
2015-08-17 |
14418 |